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Kopidion’s team has wide-ranging cybersecurity education and training experience in corporate, government, military, collegiate, and security conference settings. We have a menu of pre-existing courses and are available to create custom courses in information security, cyber operations, hacking, and innovation.

Typically the courses we create and teach are about one to five days long (8 to 40 hours). Our pedagogical philosophy is to combine immediately useful tools and techniques (training) with underlying principles that are adaptable and long-lasting (education).

Flagship Courses

Kopidion currently offers five flagship courses, available for remote or on-site delivery. Also, watch for our offerings at Black Hat Trainings and DEFCON Trainings when they are announced.

Information Operations (2 day)

It is indeed all about the information - who controls it, how it propagates, and the effect it has on the receiver. With that knowledge and access comes great power. In this course, you will learn and practice how information operations (IO) are planned and executed. Perhaps more importantly, you will learn how to defend yourself, your employer, and your nation from information-based campaigns. This fast-paced course will include IO strategies, military IO doctrine and TTPs, psychological operations, deception and counter-deception, IO incident response, how to craft themes and messages, propagation techniques, and tactics for defending and countering information operations, among numerous other subjects. You'll leave the course with much deeper insight into how information operations are executed and how to defend against them. You'll also gain a heightened awareness and resistance to the manipulation that is taking place on a daily basis.

Military Strategy and Tactics for Cyber Security (2 day)

Air, sea, land, space, and now cyber. Cyberspace has been named an operational domain by the U.S. Department of Defense. This designation and subsequent application of U.S. doctrine to cyberspace operations has shed light on new tactics and techniques for network defense based on military doctrine developed over millennia; techniques you can use now to improve the defense of your network.  Created by the authors of On Cyber: Towards an Operational Art for Cyber Conflict, this course will introduce you to the intricacies of this complex new landscape through discussion and hands-on exercises developed by career Army officers with a combined 50+ years of experience.

Hacking Bureaucracy (2 day)

Bureaucracies didn’t start out as soul-crushing obstructions to innovation and agility, but you can’t escape them today. Whether you’re in government, industry, school, or an independent practitioner, you face relentless bureaucracies that impede progress, destroy morale, and frustrate security. Not taught in schools or other institutional learning facilities, this course plays to the puzzle-solving superpowers of the hacker mindset. Come learn how to achieve your personal and organizational goals effectively and legally, by hacking the system.


Adversarial thinking is critical to effective cyber defense and offense, but some people seem to have it, others don’t. Adversarial thinking is a hacker superpower, but isn’t magic. Adversarial thinking can be learned. In this fun and engaging course, you’ll develop practical adversarial thinking skills so you can better spot flaws in systems you are defending or attacking, anticipate adversary actions and reactions, make more informed risk decisions, create more secure products, and fluidly shift into the mind of your adversary.

Art and Science of Security Research (2 day)

In this course you will learn to tackle important, complex, and unsolved security problems. The course will be a hands-on experience and our goal is that all course participants leave with the skills to conduct high-quality security research and build research teams of likeminded collaborators, as well as a refined research agenda competitive for publication in a white paper, professional magazine, or security conference. Security research fuels innovation, improves the state of information security, enriches your professional skillset, and helps you get ahead of the current state of the art. We encourage all participants to bring an information security topic that they wish to explore in more depth.

COURSE and curriculum development

New courses can be something well understood, but we can also create first-ever courses on emerging topics and engaging new areas like interdisciplinary intersections with cybersecurity. We can deliver the courses for you or we can prepare your instructors to do so. Contact us if you would like to explore possibilities.

innovative training for

information security leaders and Practitioners